Thursday, July 19, 2007

up and running

I'm ashamed of how lame i've been with keeping up with this blog. there's been lots of knitting going on, but not a lot of posting. honestly i just haven't been in the mood or really had much time for it. the summer days draw me out to go to the park with J. , sometimes even twice in one day!! so there's really not much time to get lost in journaling land. i really need to let my mind wander to write, soooooo.............

but i seriously want to start up again, even if only to give a weekly summary. i'm trying to do the same with J.'s blog, and that brings me back to what i was thinking before about combining these two blogs into one.

there have been socks, devil pants, heart sachets and LOTS of sweater recycling (which has yielded some AMAZING yarn, at an even more amazing price.

I finished Roza's Socks for my friend Jinn a while back, before i went to san diego. she loved them. i'll post what photos i have, but i didn't do a proper photo shoot. i've also finished my sockapalooza pals socks. now there was a project!! how do you decide what to knit for a total stranger??!!! especially when the only she really said was how big (small really) her feet are and the she doesn't care for green. that left me with way too many options. if you know me at all, it takes me forever to decide on something and even after deliberating for ever, i'm still not sure if i made the right choice. i ended up knitting some fairly simple 2x2 rib toe-up socks. I'd never done toe-up/short row socks before, so for me it was a bit of a challenge. i do like how they turned out even though they're not super fancy.

i'm starting to knit some devil pants for a friend's baby's birthday and depending on how those goi'll knit some for J

1 comment:

Twinkle Toes said...

Just to let you know - my socks arrived today!!

They fit brilliantly and the colours are "me" - so looks like the female / knitters intuition worked!!!!

Thansk you very much!!!

The Palooza bag is superb too!!!!


Jo (aka twinkle toes)